Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Episode 37: Show and tell!
I forgot to say thank you to Suetraut for my extra pretty ornament in TN orange!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Episode 32: SAFF
I forgot to mention the generous prize by Emily of Fiber Addiction for
the Cowl Connection Swap… and the swap itself. Check out the swap thread
for all the info… sign ups end Oct. 31.
You can find beautiful yarn and fiber by Fiber Addiction here:
You can find beautiful yarn and fiber by Fiber Addiction here:
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Episode 31
We have a new knitter named Maiah (I hope I spelled that right) at my LYS. I wanted to show you a picture of her "project bag." It's definitely CaffeinatedKnitting:
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Episode 30
You can find No Smoke Without A Fire by Bobby C. Bandy here:
Find our more about Hats for Grammy here:
You can find more information about the Calendar of Hope here:
You can find beautiful yarn and fiber by Fiber Addiction here:
You can find KnittingsMyBag here:
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Monday, October 1, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Episode 23: I dyed!
I forgot to mention the Preemie Blanket drive that the 3 Stitches podcast is doing. Find out more in their Ravelry group here:
... I am almost finished with the first blanket!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Monday, August 13, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Episode 20: Excuse the Hyper-Gert!
Lynn Zimmerman's site with all the Make a Wish fundraiser info:
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Episode 12 - Happy Mother's Day!
Working on:
Sweetheart socks by Nikol Lohr
Color Affection by Veera Valimaki
Garterlac Dishcloth by Criminy Jickets
Afterthought Heel socks by Laura Linnemann
iPad Cover highly improvised by me
Loop batt in Bouquet
New Fiber and yarn by Wollen Mill St Yarn
New, and new to me, podcasts I enjoyed this week:
Nattering about Knitting
Round the Twist
A Spinner's Whirled
My weekly must watch podcasts:
The Play Yard
Knitting Den
Wolfe Farms
Knit me Happy
The Knit Girllls
Retrolemon Studio
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Episode 11 - Happy Cinco de Mayo!
I didn't really do any show notes before I recorded. If you have questions about anything just send me a PM on Ravelry.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Episode 10
I'm a slacker so no show notes today!
If you have questions about anything in the podcast just drop me a PM on Ravelry.... CaffeinatedGert.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Episode 9.5 - More Stitches and PRIZES!!
Erin.Lane Bags
You can find their blog at: and their Etsy shop is
You can find their blog at: and their Etsy shop is
They will be updating the shop when they get home from Stitches so be sure to check them out!
Check out to help you pick up those pesky dropped stitches.
Check out for your buttons, trims, ribbons, and beads. They also have a show schedule on their site. They have way more buttons etc. in person at shows than on their site.
Enjoy the Prize Drawing and be sure to PM me on Ravelry with your address if you've won!
Episode 9 - Stitches was fabulous!
Finished Objects:
Spectra by Stephen West
Hitchhiker by Martina Behm
Headband with Flower by Me
Goodies from Stitches:
Miss Babs:
Fiber is Merino, Bamboo & Tussah Silk in the colorway Lilacs
Yummy and Yowza are in the Cleopatra colorway
Find Miss Babs at
Knitty with Color:
Fiber Batt is in the Mariner's Revenge colorway.
Sock yarn is in the Mermaid Lite colorway.
Check them out at
Dragonfly Fibers:
Merino Silk Roving in the Bad Moon Rising colorway.
Djinni Sock in Ruby, Ruby.
You can find them at
Yarn Love:
Marianne Dashwood Sport in the Vintage Blue colorway
Find Yarn Love at
Neighborhood Fiber Company:
Studio Sport in the Logan Cirlce colorway.
Check them out at
Creatively Dyed:
100% Bamboo laceweight in the Borges colorway.
Find Dianne Lutz at
Urban Gypz:
Urban Standard Sock in the I Am So Ready For Autumn colorway
Chili Pepper stitch markers
Russian doll stitch marker
Merino/ Cashmere/ Nylon blend in Earth Day colorway
Find them at but keep in mind their website is under construction and they won's have any inventory on it for a couple of weeks. They are definitely worth the wait!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Episode 8 - Birthdayprizeapalooza continued
Finished Objects:

Works in Progress:
Afterthought Heel Socks by Laura Linneman in Socks that Rock lightweight
in the Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test color way.
Hitchhiker by Martina Behm in Katia Bombay color way 2020.
Spectra by Stephen West in Madelinetosh Sock in the Kale color way and Noro Taiyo sock in a pretty but nameless colorway.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Episode 7: Prizes!!
Episode 7: Prizes!!
I finished Chester the Bashfull Bunny by Rebecca Danger this week.
Working on my Hitchhiker by Martina Behm, Greta the Captivating Cat by Rebecca Danger, Citron by Hilary Smith Callis and some Afterthought Heel socks using the pattern by Laura Linnemann of The Knit Girllls.
Tiger made a guest appearance.
March KAL prize was drawn... Birthday Month Prizapalooza was announced.
Happy Knitting!
Leaving you with some kitty cuteness....
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Episode 6 Short and Sweet!
Finished Objects:
Juvenile Sea Nettle by Hansi Singh
Worked on this Week:
Traveling Woman Shawl by Liz Abinante out of Yarn Love Juliet in the Apple Butter colorway.
Hitchhiker by Martina Behm out of Katia Bombay in the 2020 colorway..
Greta the Captivating Cat by Rebecca Danger in I Love This Yarn! in the Perpetual Sunshine color way.
New fiber is from Lazi Pi Farm on etsy.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Episode 5
Blip link:
I have two finished objects this week. The socks have already been mailed. I get to show off the cute hedgehog.
I've been working on my Brainwave hat and my Citron shawl this week.
Another Hitchhiker by Martina Behm was cast on out of Katia Bombay.
The VKN went great after some of the kinks got worked out! I would like to thank Caroline, Vicky, Julie, Medical Heather, Nuclear Heather, Dawn, Denise and Jill for joining me! I will be starting hangouts for us again and from now on will Plurk and post the link in the Ravelry group when I do.
Sheep shearing was held at Blue Bird Legacy Farm. Check them out here:
Banana Fiber yarn is from: Tara is pictured below helping me learn to spin.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Episode 4
This is podcast in your PJs week thanks to Katie from Knittin' on the Fly so I recorded in my PJs.
I'd like to thank Denise from Knitting Den and Diane from Knitabulls for mentioning me in their podcasts! I'd also like to thank the ladies from Wolfe Farms for mentioning the podcast!
We will have Virtual Knit Night on Google+ on March 17th from 6 until 9ish. You can find me as Daniela Richardson on Google+. Send me a pm on Ravelry if you can't locate me.
Our new family member is Tiger...
I had one finished object to show off. Well, really I had two of these, but one was already gifted. The pattern is Perdita by Elizabeth Klett and can be found in the Summer 2006 Knitty.
I have one sock done on my Vanilla Socks out of Hazel Knits Artisian Sock yarn in the Nemo color way.
I managed to get the cuffs done on my Gimly socks. Pattern is by Claire Ellen and can be found in the Fellowship of the Rings e-book.
My Brainwave Hat got just a tiny bit of love. The pattern is by Chris Abbott and I am knitting it out of Mini Mochi.
There was spinning and plying! Yay!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Episode 3
Finished Objects:
Enormous Stripey Snake by Comma
Mini Mochi Fair Isle Hat - Cowl by Sandi Rosner
Owl Puff by Jenna Krupar
My first little bit spun on a drop spindle is knitted into the Owl Puff. I dyed BFL from WC Mercantile with Kool-Aid. The colorful fiber I spun came from Greenwood Fiberworks.
Brain Wave by Chris Abbott for which I'm using Mini Mochi. This is our Mark KAL.
Perdita (Lily of the Valley version)by Elizabeth Klett, found in the 2006 Summer Knitty, knit in Bee Sweet Bamboo in the Storm color way.
Spectra by Stephen West knit in Medelinetosh sock Kale colorway with Noro Taiyo Sock for the color change center.
Vanilla Socks in the color way Nemo by Hazel Knits.
Traveling Woman shawl by Liz Abiante knit in Yarn Love Juliet using the Apple Butter color way.
There was a bunch of stash enhancement... I'm now going to list is all. If you have questions, feel free to ask. :)
Please join the CaffeinatedKnitting Ravelry group and check me out on iTunes.
Happy Knitting!!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Episode 2: New Group on Ravelry!
I reviewed the dreamz Symfonie Wood interchangeable needles on the first show and my friend, Jill, thought I need to point out that they have their size printed right on the needle. It is actually printed in two spots. I also wanted to point out that the needles are color coded. Each size needle is a different color.
New project:
Enormous stripey snake by Comma
I only worked on the Mini Mochi Fair Isle Cowl since Thursday.
Finished Objects:
2 Snuggles - One is based on Grandma's favorite dishcloth, the other is the fun fur snuggle found on the Snuggle project website.
Stash enhancement:
Mini Mochi in colorways 108 and 111
HPKY - Hand Painted Knitting Yarns in the Donegal Sock Yarn Superwash. One is shades of purple, the other is shades of blue with some purple and green. They don't have color ways printed on the label.
I have started a group on Ravelry - CaffeinatedKnitting. Please join me in the group. Introduce yourselves and leave me feedback about the show if you are so enclined. I will be proposing the first KAL to start March 1st... please let me know what you think of my ideas!
Find me on Ravelry:
Join the group on Ravelry:
I have submitted the podcast to itunes and will let everyone know when it is available there.
Happy Knitting!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Episode 1 Testing!!!
Link to Blip:
Finished objects:
Huggable Hedgehog by Debbie Radtke is a Fiber Trends Pattern and knit out of Cascade 220 and Yarn Bee Gilt Eyelash Yarn.
Caffeinated Hat by Canaanddogknits (Heidi Rosin) knit out of Noro Silk Garden leftovers.
Thin Ice by Laura Linneman knit out of Kauni.
Works in Progress:
Traveling Woman Shawl by Lis Abiante. Knit on size 6 needles with Yarn Love Juliet in the Applebutter colorway.
Spectra by Stephen West. Knit on size 6 needles with Noro Taiyo Sock Yarn in S2 and Madelinetosh Sock in Kale.
Mini Mochi Fair Isle Cowl based on the Mini Mochi Fair Isle Hat by Sandi Rosner. Knit on size 4 needles.... no idea of the colorway.... sorry!
Citron by Hillary Smith Callis is being knit with Wolle's Yarn Creations Color Changing Cotton in Aqua Rose on size 6 needles.
Snuggle is based on Grandma's Favorite dishcloth and being knit out of 3 strands of Berroco Comfort. Colorways are random leftovers.
Vanilla Socks are top down with a heel flap and are knit with Hazel Knits in the Nemo color way.
Dreamz Symfonie Wood Interchangeable Deluxe Set
Thursday, February 16, 2012
New Blog New Podcast
I have decided to give video podcasting a try. I signed up with Blip yesterday and have recorded my first episode... now if I can just get it to upload to Blip I would be all set and ready to go!
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